For Entrepreneurs, Coaches, & Leaders DONE with Overwhelm & Overcommitment

The High-Performer's 4-Step Guide

to Regain Control & Create More Peace, Productivity, & Profit

Hi I'm         

Jeremy Jackson

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If you're a high performer who has hustled your way to success

but you've hit a wall...

If you feel like everything is on the verge of falling apart...

Or that if you stop it all goes away...

this is for you. 

You do what it takes to make things happen.

You're a pillar of strength that everyone depends on.

You are reliable and responsible, and yet you constantly feel overwhelmed, over-committed, and stretched to max-capacity in your business, with your family, and with your friends.

You're driven to do more and be more,

but it's beginning to feel like it's never enough. 

Or even worse:

You're not enough.

You're not alone.

We are in an epidemic of high achieving female entrepreneurs who thought they had to be it all and do it all and that more hustle is the answer.

After 2 decades in business and working with 1,000s of high performing female business owners dealing with mental and emotional breakdown, relationship tension, and on the verge of quitting on their dream, I discovered the cycle I can confidently say every woman gets in at some point in her life.

And unless you see it and reverse it, it will secretly run your life, business and relationships.

If I was a betting woman, I'd say it already is.

This Is the Cycle I Discovered that is Not-So-Secretly Ruining Your Life

(and Robbing Your Peace, Productivity, and Profit-Potential)

A cycle of survival behavior you learned between the ages of 0-7 that kicks in when life, people, or circumstances feel unmanageable or threatening to your sense of well-being, capacity, or ability to stay in control. 

The Crazy Cycle

is an attempt to control externally

what you can't regulate internally. 

And that's a BIG problem.

Because while you're out there trying hard to achieve your next-level of success, there's this secret Cycle at work, unknowingly to you, sabotaging all of your best efforts.

Here's the Truth NO ONE is Telling You:

If you aren't achieving the results you want in your business (or any area of your life), one more strategy or perfect plan or tactic won't cut it.

Your success depends on ONE thing:

Learning to master your Inner Game...

emotional triggers, past stories and narratives,

limiting beliefs, and patterns of unhealthy control.

But here's the GOOD News:

We've made it SIMPLE by writing the step-by-step playbook on it.

You May Be Stuck in The Crazy Cycle if...

For every statement that resonates, put a mental checkmark.

 You swing to avoidance or procrastination when things feel too big or too much to handle.

 You use productivity, busyness & "doing" to manage internal fear, resentment, or unwanted feelings.

 You live in deep guilt with the tension between being present with work and available to family. 

 You've felt like you're "suffocating" under the weight of yours and others' expectations.

 You've lost who you are in your 5,542 roles and responsibilities you play.

 You feel like you're never enough. And at other times, you feel like you're too much.

 Your marriage is rocky and your spouse feels like a increasingly distant roommate.

You feel overactive and easily triggered by stressful or unexpected situations.

You're stretched to-the-max trying to say "yes" to the needs of your clients & family. Yet you do.

You feel like everything is going to fall apart if you don’t hold it perfectly together.

Anxiety weighs heavy on your shoulders, yet you keep up the facade it's all OK. Because you have to.

You feel pressure to keep hustling, yet sacrifice your peace and what matters most to you.

Now tally up the total number of checkmarks.  If the total number of checkmarks is more than half

you're stuck in The Crazy Cycle.

But don't worry...

you aren't the first. Or only.

In fact, most high performing entrepreneurs and leaders are in the cycle until they decide it's time to take back their life and rise to a new level of inner leadership.

The Crazy Cycle Blueprint

will change how you navigate the INNER Game

of life, business, & relationships.

Get ready to identify exactly what's robbing your peace, productivity, and that you can finally become the woman who gets to experience the freedom and fulfillment you started your business to achieve.


"Every person who has ever felt overwhelmed by everything they are doing, yet oddly feels like they aren't ever doing enough needs this guide. It has the answer!"

"I never knew I was so driven because I was trying to control and manage emotions I didn't want to feel or didn't have time for. I now am free to work hard from a totally different place."

"I battled clinical anxiety and tried everything for years. I've been to every counselor and read all the books. It's been embarrassing because I run a side business and also have a high position in the corporate world. Discovering how to work through this cycle has changed me so much everyone at work, including my boss, has noticed."

You've worked too hard to be stuck in this cycle of survival. 

It's time to start experiencing some of the freedom you started your business to achieve. 

It's Time to Stop

The Crazy Cycle...

& optimize your performance - without more hustle and burnout - so you can accomplish exponentially more in less time, spend more time on the relationships that actually matter, and create predictable peace in your life and business. 

"In spite of having my Master's degree in counseling and being an avid self-learner, I was at my breaking point with juggling my business and my autistic teenager. I felt out of options...until I met Jenni Rae. I was in The Crazy Cycle everywhere. This tool gave me my life, time, and sanity back."

Carrie Wright, Virginia

How The Blueprint Can Help You

start leading at the next level

Recover Your Time

You're busy & need solutions for how to break free from the urgent demands of others or yourself.

Gain Ultimate Clarity

Discover exactly what's draining energy, hindering joy, & straining your relationships.

Have a Proven Plan

The Crazy Cycle Blueprint is a proven pathway to next-level personal & professional results.

Reclaim Yourself

Realign with who you were designed to be and reignite creativity, passion, & purpose. 

It's so simple it will blow your mind.

And so specific it will change your life.

Hey Friend!

I'm Jenni Rae. As a fellow high-achiever with my hands in a million things, I get it. I built & ran multiple 6-figure businesses, while raising 3 kids, being a wife, traveling, speaking, and all the things.

I know firsthand what it's like to have your capacity hit its' limit - to love your family & work more than anything, yet battle secret fear of not being able to keep up with the expectations, while stuffing down resentment at others for not stepping up and carrying more of the load.

Everyone depended on me

to keep being who I was: 


To Everyone.

All. The. Time.

Until I discovered the exact cycle that was keeping me stuck in "survival success," strained relationships, and feeling incongruent and misaligned with the business I'd built, the impact I wanted to have, and the connected relationships I longed to experience.

"Doing" Became my 'Drug of Choice'

I turned to productivity and achievement to try and outsmart and outhustle the loneliness, fear, and growing disconnect I felt from myself, my people, and my purpose. 

Achievements and acts of service had become cheap substitutes for the real version of myself,

which had been lost under mountains of urgent demands, expected roles, and suffocating responsibilities.

You Can Flip the Script




Hear The Word On The Street

From Suffocated to Breakthrough

"For 12 years I'd been stuck, hiding behind the shame of a business loss & feeling like a failure. As a problem-solver, it was life-changing to finally have answers & see the Cycle I'd been in."

Laurie Roe

My Pathway to Healing

"As an athlete, mom of 4, and business owner, I'm good at juggling but constantly felt crazy. I went from feeling "never enough" and broken to a clear path of healing with this Blueprint."

Beth Matchie

I Reclaimed Myself Again

"Having Jenni Rae as a coach & guide has been a dream. She perfectly balanced honesty, while providing the healthy challenge/push that I needed to find myself again."

Meg Britton

From Never Enough to Balanced

"Juggling 5 kids, homeschool & a business, I was stressed. overwhelmed, and felt like I was always coming up short. This Blueprint gave me practical ways to bring balance to my life."

Shar Valdez

My Biz Grew by 42%

"Working with Jenni Rae to uncover the viscous cycle of defeat I was stuck in freed me to do more and be more than I dreamed I was capable of in my business and marriage."

Jenny Hogue

From People-Pleaser to Empowered

"I was a people pleaser, who wasn’t pleasing anyone.  I discovered The Crazy Cycle Blueprint at my breaking point. I've taken back control of my life & am finally free."

Beth Baker

"I have not only gotten back over 10 hours a week or time, I've gotten back my confidence. I am a super high achiever at work and I didn't realize how much time and energy I was expending in an internal Crazy Cycle, ruminating and overthinking every decision I was making. This was robbing my confidence and changing how I was showing up with clients. I am more at peace and just added $50K to the bottom line because I'm no longer worried what everything else thinks of me. I'm making strong, fast, confident decisions."

Brittany, PA


This is Your Chance to Stop The Crazy Cycle and Bring More:

Peace, Productivity, & Profitability

About Jenni Rae

Founder of Jenni Rae Coaching & Creator of The Crazy Cycle Blueprint

Jenni Rae is a Nashville, TN based coach, entrepreneur, speaker, and mom of 4, raising 3 this side of heaven.

For two decades she has coached thousands of entrepreneurs to launch and scale successful businesses while juggling the demands of family life. She launched Do. WIT Coaching with a mission to help individuals reinvent their relationship to work and family and create a life they love and a lasting legacy. She helps people break free from chaos, reclaim their true self, and create a life of incredible peace and purpose. 

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